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Brasileiros 2017/2018

Enviado: Dom Out 04, 2015 10:49 pm
por Gustavo Ganso
Nova geração/novatos:

Raulzinho - Jazz
Caboclo - Raptors
Bebe - Raptors
Felicio - Bulls

Huertas - Lakers

Antiga geração:

Splitter - Hawks
Nene - Wizards
Varejao - Cavaliers
Barbosa - Warriors
acabei de assistir Caboclo, atuou bem na defesa com alguns bons flashes, no ataque foi fraco e amassou o aro dos 3 pontos.

mas acho que a receita pra ele ter alguns minutos nessa temporada no time principal é essa... defender bem e no ataque passar a bola e arremessar pra 3 quando tiver livre, nada de tentar driblar com a bola. Pra próxima temporada ele pode trabalhar mais no seu controle de bola. Deve atuar bastante na D-league pelo time que o Raptors comprou.

agora to vendo Raulzinho, ta imprimindo boa velocidade e mostrando visão de jogo com alguns bons passes, uma defesa sólida tbm... não da pra esperar que ele faça 15 pontos por jogo e arremesse bem de longa distância... eu já fico satisfeito se ele controlar bem o jogo com a bola na mão e uma boa defesa eu já to contente tbm.

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 12:50 am
por Gustavo Ganso
Raulzinho detonou... fazia tempo que não via um armador brasileiro com tanta segurança no basquete como ele hoje.

defesa forte, velocidade, roubos e passes muito bons, baita visão de jogo.

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 1:02 am
por marlonks
Utah Jazz: Raul Neto thrust into prominent point guard role
By TONY JONES | The Salt Lake Tribune connect

Outside of a spot on the roster, nothing was promised to Raul Neto on the day he officially signed with the Utah Jazz. Not playing time, not a designation on the depth chart. There was even a scenario where Neto could've ended up in the D-League, as small a possibility as that was.

None of that mattered to Utah's Brazilian point guard. This is a guy who wanted to play in the NBA, who wanted to be in in the best basketball league in the world from childhood. So when the Jazz approached him over the summer about coming over from UCAM Murcia of the Spanish league, there was nothing to think about.

Neto jumped at the opportunity. Forget any language barrier. No worries about living in a strange place. Neto just wanted the chance.

"The adjustment to the Jazz and to a new country as been good," Neto said. "The Jazz have been helping with everything, the house and the car and the family needs. I've been living alone in Spain for four years, so I'm used to living alone. So the adjustment has been good."

This is where the story takes a twist. Neto is no longer competing for spare minutes. He's no longer a question mark when it comes to even getting onto the court. Dante Exum is hurt, the victim of a torn ACL. All of that means — whether Trey Burke is the starter or not — Neto is a part of Utah's committee of point guards. Chances are, he's going to play meaningful minutes this season. And chances are, those minutes are going have an impact on Utah's ultimate outlook.

But the Jazz have long admired Neto's talent and his ability to play the position. On a team full of passers, Neto may already be the best. At 6-foot-2, Neto's the one point guard with real defensive upside in Exum's absence.

He's just 23 years old, but he has extensive experience. Neto's been playing professionally since 2008. He's still very young, but is a member of Brazil's national team. It was last summer when he had a good showing against Team USA in the World Championships that Neto realized he had a good opportunity to play at the highest level.

"I remember after the USA game that Leandro Barbosa came to me and told me I was ready to play in the league," Neto said. "He told me I was improving a lot, and it was good for me to hear that from a guy like Barbosa. He's seen me play since I was a teenager."

There are questions, however. Neto's never been a great shooter. And if he's to have success at the NBA level, that has to change. Neto doesn't have to be Stephen Curry. But he does have to be able to knock down enough outside shots to command respect from opposing defenses.

In a big way — even before he's played a game — that's Neto's biggest challenge, because historically he's never shot it well. And here's what's at stake: If Neto can shoot a reasonable percentage from the perimeter, he carves out space for his ability to penetrate the lane and find people. If he doesn't, he becomes Rajon Rondo and his lack of shooting clogs up the Jazz offense as a whole.

"I think it's big for me," Neto said. "I've been working on my shooting this summer. I know that I have to be more confident shooting the ball and that can open the court for me. It's a big thing that I have to improve on."

Neto's adjustment to Salt Lake City and the Jazz has been a few years in the making. When he was drafted in 2013, he played summer league for Utah. Last summer, Neto spent a month over the summer working out with the coaching staff and hiking the mountains with center Rudy Gobert.

His transition with his teammates is going smoothly. He's already garnered a nickname — Gordon Hayward calls him "Wolf" — because of the pronunciation of his name. He's still a few days from his preseason debut, but he's got Kyle Korver potential when it comes to female Jazz fans. And by all accounts, he's played well this week in training camp.

"He's been really good for us," Hayward said. "Wolf's done a great job running the show."

Indeed, the adjustment's been smooth so far for Raul Neto. But he still has to play basketball. And the basketball is what will determine his ultimate success.


Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 2:46 am
por Gustavo Ganso
Torcedores do Jazz por toda a internet babando em cima do Raulzinho

merecia um highlight só dele com suas assistencias e roubos.

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 5:00 am
por cdcccccc
incrível como ''be rajon rondo'' virou algo ruim a se dizer de um jogador. Costumava ser elogio.

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 8:45 am
por KobeBryant
Gustavo Ganso escreveu:Torcedores do Jazz por toda a internet babando em cima do Raulzinho
Os famosos internautas

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 10:00 am
por erick#9
Será que o Raul desbanca o Huertas na seleção do Rio?
Enquanto um cai nas graças, o outro tá meio sem moral...

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 11:52 am
por danilobaldusco

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 1:36 pm
por PontiacSilverDome
kkk zuera isso né ?

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 1:40 pm
por erick#9
Marcelo Huertas has a strained hamstring and did not practice on Saturday.
The severity isn't known, but there is no indication of this costing him any time. Huertas autocorrects as hurts, so this makes sense. Kidding aside, he has no fantasy value.

Marcelo Huertas (hamstring) will not suit up for Sunday's preseason game vs. the Jazz.
Larry Nance Jr. (back) will join Huertas on the sidelines, but neither guy will be in the rotation for the Lakers this season.

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 2:55 pm
por Peixe2k3
Tem alguma notícia sobre o Felício?

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Seg Out 05, 2015 4:18 pm
por Gustavo Ganso

nos comentarios já é considerado o novo Stockton. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

galera caiu nas graças do Raulzinho.

http://www.slcdunk.com/2015/10/4/945283 ... fans-swoon

106 comentarios

http://www.slcdunk.com/2015/10/5/945396 ... nbeat-1740

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Ter Out 06, 2015 8:18 am
por L.A. Lakers
Alguem q tem acesso aos player profiles da eson podia postar aqui, como acontecia antigamente

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Ter Out 06, 2015 8:26 am
por marlonks
dos brasileiros? ainda nao saiu nenhu,

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Ter Out 06, 2015 8:31 am
por marlonks
Tiago Splitter
Position: Center
Experience: 5 years
2014-15 stats

Scouting report
+ Strong big man with no range; the Pele of layups
+ Not a pick-and-roll or post-up guy
+ Keeps fouls to a minimum; not a shot-blocker

Splitter probably won't have much trouble fitting into Budenholzer's pass-happy system, something he has been playing in for his whole career in San Antonio, aka Hawks-West. Splitter depends on others to create for him, as his post-up game is fairly rudimentary and he has the range of a night light. Last season, he made one shot outside of 10 feet, which seems like a clerical error.

With all the great passers in Atlanta, Splitter will find a home around the basket, where he can be a pressure release for the attackers. He can move fairly well, but he doesn't have hops or a jump shot, so his ability to score in the pick-and-roll is bankrupt. His value is he's a great finisher around the rim who frequents the free-throw line a fair amount (4.2 freebies per 36 minutes).

Defensively, Splitter will be his most useful as a battery for Al Horford and someone who can play the 4 or 5. The Hawks never had a paint dweller such as Splitter last season, so it'll be fascinating to see how they deploy him. The shot selection of his predecessor, Pero Antic, couldn't be more different, and it remains to be seen what Mike Scott's availability will be. Turning 31 in January, the Brazilian isn't a lock to improve in his new surroundings.

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Ter Out 06, 2015 9:32 am
por gustavosp
Alguém sabe do Bebê?

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Qua Out 07, 2015 2:42 am
por Gustavo Ganso
gustavosp escreveu:Alguém sabe do Bebê?
o cara ta noivo... (caso vc esteja interessado) brincadeira.

ele ta lesionado...

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Qua Out 07, 2015 10:45 am
por Mosman


Assim fica bem difícil não se empolgar com o moleque...

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Qua Out 07, 2015 1:39 pm
por marlonks
Cristiano Felicio
Position: Forward
Experience: Rookie
2014 draft profile

Scouting report
+ Tough, strong interior big man
+ Good rebounder and finisher around the basket
+ No much of a face-up threat

The Bulls took an offseason flier on undrafted Brazilian big man Cristiano Felicio over the summer, and he'll head to training camp in hopes of winning the last open spot on Chicago's roster. Felicio is a burly interior player at his best mixing it up around the rim.
Anderson Varejao
Position: Center
Experience: 11 years
2014-15 stats

Scouting report
+ High-motor defender and rebounder
+ Below average rim protector
+ Efficient scorer with increasingly effective midrange shot

Coming off an Achilles injury, Anderson Varejao enters his 12th NBA season with an immediate future as a high-level energy reserve. That might not be what the Cavs had in mind when they gave Varejao a three-year, $30 million extension last fall. Yet when Tristan Thompson returns to the fold, Cleveland will feature one of the league's deepest frontcourt rotations. If Thompson doesn't return, Varejao will be looked upon to fill the gaps in the hustle and offensive rebounding categories.

Some of Vareajo's indicators were down a bit before he was injured, though the slip came in the context of a revamped team struggling to find its footing. His offensive rebound rate was a little off and his defensive rebounding more so, though his success on contested boards was about the same. That suggests that any rebounding decline for Varejao was more a product of whom he shared the court with and Dave Blatt's preferences. Varejao's usage was up, as were his shooting percentages, but nevertheless, Varegajo's single-season RPM was minus-2.23. Going forward, you'd think his role would return to the ranks of the complementary.

Vareajo's defensive RPM slipped below zero as well, and the Cavs were a trainwreck on that end overall before he went down. He's a mobile, high-effort defender when healthy and stands up well one-on-one down low. But he's slow to close out on shooters -- making him an ill fit at 4 -- and a below-average rim protector. His reputation for drawing offensive fouls is warranted, but the difference between his defensive impact and that of Timofey Mozgov is why Varejao's role going forward is likely to be off the bench. How big that gig becomes largely will depend on how much, if any, mobility and explosion he lost because of the Achilles tear.

Re: Brasileiros 2015/2016

Enviado: Qua Out 07, 2015 5:38 pm
por Gustavo Ganso
Mosman escreveu:PQP!!!!!


Assim fica bem difícil não se empolgar com o moleque...
vai se foder caralho


fiquei até as 4h vendo esse jogo, foi no Hawaii e teve prorrogação.