Rotina de Caboclo na NBA
“Just recognizing how good he was and wanting a one-on-one parter [is how the joint workouts started],” Johnson said. “Someone I can play one-on-one with that’s going to make us both better. [Caboclo is] long and athletic. He’s a tough kid. I know I didn't have any of that when I was a rookie. When I wasn’t playing I was just down and out. To find him, I’d say we kind of found each other.”
Outside of the coaching staff, no one has seen more of Caboclo’s improvement this season than Johnson.
“He’s only 18, 19, but he works out every day, he trains every day and works like he’s been in the league for years,” Johnson said. “That’s a credit to his professional team back home where he’s from. Not a lot of U.S. kids get that opportunity. He was already a pro. He already has the mindset of a pro.”
“Most of the moves I can do on a lot of people, offensively in the game, I can’t make on Bruno,” Johnson said. “If I can make a good move on Bruno, I know it’ll work on 85, 90 percent of the guys in the NBA.”
algumas palavras de James Jonhson, o resto ta no artigo.